
Free Workshop for ambitious professionals who want to stand out, make an impact, and unlock more career opportunities.

Success Sessions

A free monthly workshop for you if you are an ambitious and skilled professional looking to enhance your thinking, grow your influence, strengthen your relationships, and effectively show up in both your professional and personal life. 

Workshop topic: 

This Success Session focuses on 'Confident Decision Making'.

Learn the framework and hacks to become a confident decision maker. 

Stop overthinking, staying stuck in indecision and decision fatigue and start making decisions to get results in your career, leadership and life.

 Wednesday, June 12, 2024, 
12:30 - 1:45pm NZT

Where: Online via Zoom

*The replay will be available!*

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Workshop Starts In... 









About success sessions

One thing I know is that there is a lot of time spent working really hard and longer to hopefully take your next career step. But there's not enough time spent on what is actually going to make the biggest difference, create an impact, become influential, and access the best opportunities.

Each Success Session is an opportunity to dive into a different topic that will build your confidence, influence, and stretch your thinking and decision making skills. Step beyond your day-to-day technical skills and expertise and develop the human and mindset skills that will take you to the next level in your career.

If you're an ambitious professional and you want to add more value, make a bigger impact, and contribute at a higher level, these sessions are for you.

In each session, you will:


Learn a new idea and perspective that will expand your mindset and skillset, and challenge the status quo to put you ahead of the rest in your growth and career path. 


Identify and reflect on any critical gaps and challenges between where you are and where you want to get to as a strategic player.


Have productive coaching conversations with me (Tash the Coach) and others to create options and develop solutions to create a practical and actionable plan to move you forward to success.


Leave each session with clear actionable steps that move you forward on your path to becoming a strategic leader in your field.


A key part of being a strategic player is building a strong network. In these sessions, you'll connect and build strong relationships with others who are growing alongside you. 


If you're ready to rise to the challenge, Success Sessions are your monthly checkpoint for growth and impact.

Register here

So, what are you waiting for? 

Come meet me, say hi, and join a success session!

About the Coach running success sessions

Tash Pieterse

Tash is an Internationally Certified Success & Mindset Coach with a Bachelor's Degree in Business Management, majoring in Human Resources and Strategic Management, and a Diploma in Positive Psychology.

She has a successful 13-year corporate career in Human Resources that spanned across public, private and membership organisations, working her way to a People & Performance Manager position before starting her own HR consultancy and thriving coaching practice.

She is a wife and mother to a toddler son, so brings to her work the lived experience of living a full life, creating a successful career, running a business, and practicing self-care to ensure she shows up as her best across every area of her life.

Tash is passionate about working with new and established professionals and has spent the last 5+ years mentoring and coaching professionals in various roles and industries.

In these success sessions Tash will help you create the space for you to become a successful strategic player in your career.


What people say about workshop sessions with Tash


"Excited to reflect on the value I bring outside of technical skills - such as energy, coaching & leadership."

Great information!

"Great information Tash. Thanks so much for sharing. I got a lot out of all your keys and can definitely apply those both at work and in my personal life."

So helpful!

"Thank you so much Tash, this has been so helpful and insightful (as always!). Really appreciate it!"


"Thanks very much Tash, appreciate you sharing these insights, such practical ways to start making change!"

Great concept!

"I like this concept - well explained - have not really thought of myself as an influencer - but I actually am!"

Register for the next Success Session below.

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