Become the Best People Leader


Hi, I'm Tash.

I am an internationally certified and award-nominated People Leadership Coach, Business Owner, and Mother.

I work with leaders who want add value, make an impact, and empower their people. They want to be the best leaders for themselves and for the people around them.

I hold a bachelor's degree in HR and Strategic Management and a Diploma in Positive Psychology (Distinction). I am an ICF accredited coach that has been working with graduate, emerging and professionals and people leaders since 2011.  

Are you the person you really want to be?

After working in HR across various industries and contexts, I noticed a few strong similarities among leaders. 

👉 They didn't know who they were deep down, struggling to stand firm in their values, and didn't know how to be who they really wanted to be.

👉 They were overwhelmed and struggling to set boundaries or have hard conversations with the people around them.

👉 They were burned-out, often running from situations multiple times (figuratively...) before convincing themselves that they weren’t up to the job.

Great people were falling through the gaps, and I knew there had to be another way.

Confidence. Clarity. Leadership

My journey from Human Resources Management to coaching comes from my own personal journey and experiences.

When my relationship ended and I was made redundant within just a few days of each other - I lost my love, my home and my job in just one weekend.  

So I packed my bags and plunged headfirst into a healing experience to Europe.

Only to arrive in the middle of the 2015 terrorist attacks in Paris!

It was a life-changing experience in so many ways.

This led me to work with people to transform and thrive in their own lives.

Great leaders help grow great people

I am passionate about people and have dedicated my career to helping leaders realise their highest potential.

I can help you navigate challenges and reduce stress and overwhelm while giving you the tools you need to cultivate a resilient and trusting environment with the people around you.

There's no one size fits all solution, so my coaching is designed to suit your needs. 

Working through the self-limiting beliefs and mindset blocks that are holding you back is an amazing experience that will give you your life back in so many ways.

You can become the confident, approachable and inspired people leader that your people need to thrive.

Work with me to get the strategies, support, skills and confidence that will set you and your people up for success.


What Leader Are You?

Find out where your leadership skills and experience currently sits so you can become the Leader you want to be.

Complete the quiz to find out your current leadership level, your strengths, areas for growth, and suggestions to help develop your skills to be the Leader you always wanted and that the world really needs.

The best way to develop is to know where you currently stand.

Learn more by completing the quiz!