Overcome roadblocks, find your purpose and take your life to the next level with one-on-one Mindset & Life Coaching

Book a free 30-minute clarity call

Do you often find yourself feeling stuck and wondering if there's more to life?

Perhaps some of these scenarios sound familiar...

  • You can’t say no

  • You put others first and say yes to things that you don’t want to do or that don’t align with your goals

  • You don’t follow through because you don’t believe you can be successful, so you give up

  • You are overwhelmed and struggling to set boundaries

  • You make decisions to keep other people happy but make you unhappy

  • You avoid meaningful conversations for fear of being hurt

Life coaching can help you define what you really want from yourself and your life.

It can help you connect to the courage you already have but are too scared to use to help you build the life you've always wanted.

If you're feeling trapped by fear and self-limiting beliefs, I can help you develop the courage you need to get what you really want in life.

I'll help you reconnect with yourself so you can step up and take control of your life while maximising your own potential.

Learn to live a more fulfilled life with the Self Empowered Method  


This framework is about aligning your mindset, emotions and actions.

⚡ Your mindset is how you see the world and what you believe about yourself.

⚡ Your emotions are how you experience everything in life and make decisions.

⚡ Your actions are how you create moves and follow through on commitments. 

Aligning these three aspects of yourself enables you to create and live the most intentional and authentic life possible. 
It empowers you to show up fully and be the best version of yourself aligned with what’s important to you.

Together, we get clear on what it means and looks like for your mindset, emotions and actions to be in alignment, and then we make a plan and commit to bringing this to life.

What we'll work on together as we go through the framework:

Learn how to take the lead in your own life, saying YES to things that are right for you and NO to things that aren’t.

I'll work with you to help you set goals and develop practices that make your life vision a reality.

Learn self-acceptance and self-love for who you are and move forward with more self-trust, openness and confidence.

Transform the relationship you have with yourself and others to live a fuller, more contented life.

Get clear on your values and vision for your life and create aligned actions.

Create powerful daily habits that will help you stay committed to the changes you want to make in your life

Develop boundaries and build resilience, so you don’t succumb to overwhelm.

Having the confidence to trust yourself to set boundaries will fortify your resilience and provide a solid foundation for self-care and mental well-being.

Set boundaries around what is important to you and how you will and won’t be treated.

Remove fear and self-doubt from your decision-making so you can go after what you want.

Book a 30-minute clarity call

What client's say...

Natalie Morrison

“I signed up for a coaching series with Tash because my life did not feel like something I had control over, I was lacking vision and had vague future plans, but it was impossible to view my dreams as a reality. After my discovery call with Tash, I felt an instant connection - it was like talking to a big sister, and she immediately touched on the areas of my life that we could address together.
During my coaching series, it was so helpful to have someone guiding me, cheering me on, keeping me accountable, and keeping me on track. My life has changed for the better. I knew what I wanted I just couldn’t find how to make it happen. Tash is so kind, calm and composed, and no matter what state I was in during our series Tash was consistently future-focused and guided me toward my goals. I will definitely be back for another series! A million “thank yous” Tash! You are a gift!”

Hannah Akers

"Before I started coaching, my life felt chaotic, and out of control; I was suffering from anxiety, which was only allowing me to do the basic functions; I didn’t have any time or space to allow in anything else. I had lots of self-doubt, and confusion over my career and generally overwhelm with my life. I never felt good enough for anyone, my partner, family, colleagues, friends - always feeling the need to prove leading me to complete exhaustion and failure. I have tried different types of counselling, therapies and healers; you name it, I have probably given it a go in the hope of finding something to help put me on a clearer path. All of these have helped for a duration but have never been a sustained change for me.

When signing up, I did have my doubts, especially as I have tried so many different things. The financial commitment to this series was one of the biggest sticking points; what if it didn’t work? Am I really worth this kind of investment? But realisation hit “if you’re not willing to do this and sort this out, who is?”. I am now a month on from my last session, and I have had plenty of opportunities to reflect. My life has changed massively, I don’t have daily anxiety, and if it does creep in, I am able to process it and find out what it’s telling me.

I am now working towards a career that excites me and can’t wait to see where it goes! My whole outlook on life has changed (bold statement -I know!), I'm not the scared, road-blocking self I used to be. The best Hannah has turned up for herself! I am what I need and what I want. The possibilities for the future are endless! The best insight that I have learnt is that I am enough, and no one's judgements of me matter, I can’t change their views, so I let them go!”

How it works...

Clarity Call

A 30-minute call to explore your clarity questionnaire and to see if we are the right fit.

Coaching Sessions

Powerful and laser focused fortnightly hour-long coaching sessions to empower you to achieve your goals.

Support & Resources

Get the recorded sessions, unlimited coaching in Slack plus any resources and worksheets to keep you on track.

Coaching Includes

✔ Six hour-long coaching sessions over 3 months (+ session recordings)

âś” Unlimited coaching between sessions in Slack

✔ Resources and materials to support your goals

✔ Access to trainings related to your goals


Payment Options

All options are in NZD  + GST if paid for by a business









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Protect your energy and pursue your dreams with clarity and courage.

Let’s remove the barriers that are holding you back and get you set up for success.


Book a free 30-minute clarity call
Read more testimonials here

Get Your Strategic Planning Guide


Define how you want to experience your life, enabling you to align your emotion, mindset and actions. 

This template is designed to guide you in strategically planning for clarity, confidence, and energy. It empowers you to define how you want to experience your life, allowing you to unlock your fullest potential with purpose and intention.

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