EP 20. Overcoming Imposter Syndrome Thinking

Today I am going to be talking about imposter syndrome and share some mindset shifts to help you overcome imposter syndrome thinking. 

Research suggests that approximately 70% of people experience imposter syndrome at least once in their lifetime, however I believe that percentage is actually higher as research relies on people acknowledging that they are experiencing it. Which is why I feel this is such an important topic to lean into and learn about, in order to understand how you can navigate imposter syndrome thinking when it’s happening to you.

You will learn about:

  • What imposter syndrome actually is
  • What drives it and where it comes from
  • Signs you may be experiencing imposter syndrome
  • Why there is no such thing as failure
  • 8 ways you can start moving through imposter syndrome thinking

Instead of seeing imposter syndrome as something to run away from, recognise that it’s actually powerful, because it means that you’re doing something big and stretching yourself to another level.

I’d love to find out what imposter syndrome buster you’re going to apply to start creating shifts in your life. Leave it in the comments, or send me a message on Instagram or LinkedIn.

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Resources mentioned
Episode 4 - The Mindset Reset: Rewiring Your Thinking for Positive Change

Connect with me
Website: tashpieterse.com
Instagram: @tash_pieterse
LinkedIn: tashpieterse